Game Update for ‘Icarus’

The latest update for the game ‘Icarus’ includes a variety of bug fixes, optimizations, and new features. Here are some of the key changes:

**Bug Fixes:**
– Fixed issues with the Contact Radio logic to ensure it always finds the most upgraded mission device.
– Resolved problems with Turret Stand DM material and added logic for spawning additional turret DM pieces upon destruction.
– Corrected Medic Cabinet collision to ensure proper shelter when the cabinet is inside.
– Addressed Arctic Vesper trophy crafting not granting bestiary points.
– Fixed Beeswax Advanced Set being incorrectly called Base set in the tech tree.
– Resolved issues with Wood Cupboard being uncraftable on Maching Bench and Fabricator.

– Improved performance by removing unnecessary materials from levels and optimizing texture settings.
– Enhanced physical response to movement for Cold Steel items.
– Disabled Light Functions on Medium shadow quality for a potential performance boost.
– Updated SMPL3 quest rewards, adding Brambles and Coconuts, and their seeds.

**New Features:**
– Added Max Stack size text to the Field Guide.
– Increased Enzymes reward count for SMPL3 quests to 2-5.
– Grants a small amount of XP when harvesting bones.

These updates aim to enhance gameplay, improve performance, and fix various issues reported by players. Enjoy your time on Icarus!