7 Wonders Duel, a spin-off of the popular card-drafting game 7 Wonders, received a new Tolkien reskin in the form of Lord of the Rings: Duel for Middle-Earth. The game is designed to be accessible to new players while still offering depth and strategy for experienced gamers. The gameplay revolves around building an economy, advancing on victory conditions, and placing armies on the map of Middle-Earth. Each victory condition is designed to close in on its apex during the third round of play, leading to a thrilling climax almost every time. Fortresses are huge pivots in winning over map spaces and delaying taking cards, potentially forcing opponents into taking unrevealed cards instead. The game often feels counter-thematic, with Sauron allying with his most implacable foes and the armies of the free peoples conquering the shadow realm of Mordor. Despite this, the game’s vibrant card art and name-checking of key places and people in Middle-Earth make it an enjoyable experience for fans of the legendarium.