Unlock Exclusive Rewards with Throne and Liberty Twitch Drops

MMOs are often all about gear, and if you’re readying yourself to drop into the latest Amazon multiplayer game, Throne and Liberty, there’s one simple way to boost your inventory. Among the common features of many MMORPGs are mounts, friendly companions you can ride across wide expanses to make things that bit quicker, and pets, more harmless companions that just, well, look cute. In Throne and Liberty , pets come in the form of adorable Amitois, while you yourself become the mount with Morphing, a remarkable shape-shifting ability. Past Throne and Liberty Twitch drops let you unlock one of each, alongside other goodies. Continue reading Throne and Liberty Twitch drops and how to claim MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best MMORPGs , Throne and Liberty codes , Throne and Liberty weapons.